Consider if you will all the new challenges that the TSA is presenting to travelers at airports. They are causing time delays, airport congestion, and people to miss their connecting flights. Yes, protecting the American People is paramount, and that’s their job but let’s talk about how this effects us business travelers shall we. Why you ask? Because as a business traveler, you can’t afford to miss an appointment, so what you need to do is to have a buffer between connecting flights, and in case there is a flight delay due to extra screening, or some incident caused by TSA personnel, you will not have your travel plans ruined.Yes, many business travelers have merely had enough of this nonsense, but it’s still something that must be dealt with. Indeed, these issues can also play havoc on trying to get to your Rent-A-Car on time, as if you don’t show up when scheduled they may run out of cars to rent, or if you get to the hotel too late they may have already rented the room out, assuming you are a no-show.Business travelers are having a heck of a time on the airlines, due to all these new rules and regulations to prevent holiday underwear bombers or something? There are ways to expedite through security by getting a special pass, along with a background check. Although it is a hassle because business people don’t have time to go get all that done, it will save time during travel, and it’s perfect for the seasoned business traveler who spends more time on airplanes and they do it their children’s soccer games.Additionally, because global warming is such a big deal, the temperatures have been dropping world-wide, and therefore cold weather and the coming Ice Age are causing even more flight delays. And if an airliner is on the runway or ramp longer than three hours waiting for the weather to clear it has to go back to the terminal, as per new FAA laws. This means the flight might be canceled, and then you’ll be stuck in the airport terminal until you can get on another flight, if one is even available.It is for all these reasons that a time buffer is about the only current solution, rather than buying a corporate jet to shuttle yourself around. Therefore having time buffers to ensure connecting flights to get to your destination and accommodations is serious. Please consider all this and think on it.
Business Travel and Time Buffers to Ensure Connecting Flights
Tips For A No Weeds and No Bugs Urban Permaculture Garden
Soil PreparationTo produce delicious fruits and vegetables in an urban permaculture garden, all starts with the soil preparation. This easy method helps minimize weeding and requires minimal watering.1. Lightly sprinkle the complete grass or soil area that you want to make into an urban garden with fresh compost. This attracts the worms to come to the surface and find all the delicious layers you put on.2. The most important first step in creating your urban permaculture garden, is to cover the grass or soil thoroughly with wet newspaper, at least 5 pages thick, making sure there are no colored ink pages included.3. Then cover the newspaper with plain flat cardboard and water it well. Flattened cardboard boxes are good to use for this.Raised Garden Beds1. Use untreated 8″ x 1″ or 12″ x 1″ timber to make square or rectangular garden beds, no wider than an arm span from each side to the middle. This allows you to work your permaculture garden from all sides without stepping on the growing area. This way, the worms and insects do all the hard work for you, and their habitat is not overly disturbed or compressed when you plant or weed your crops.2. Lay out your raised garden boxes on the prepared area of cardboard, leaving wheelbarrow width walkways all around them. Peg the boxes to the ground.Filling Your Raised Garden Beds1. Cover the wet cardboard inside the raised boxes with a thin layer of coffee grounds. This benefits fruits and vegetables in a similar way to what nitrogen does. Coffee grounds obtained at no cost, from coffee shops can also be used later as a top sprinkling to enhance growth.2. Next add any layer of manure at this stage but not too thick. Horse manure from quality stables is good, as these horses have a very good balanced diet. Alternatively, use sheep pellets or chicken manure. The soil that chickens have turned over in their yards can also be added here.3. Next you can add a thick layer of compost dirt. See the compost section to learn how best to make this, otherwise, buy some from the garden center.4. On top of that, you can add a layer of potting mix if you are planting seeds or want a finer soil to plant your seedlings directly into.5. A layer of organic wood chips, leaf mulch, or year old calf shed cleanings tucked in between plants after you have planted, keeps the top soil darkened to allow the worms to come up around all your plants and stops weed seeds germinating. The worms leave their fresh worm juice right there beside your plants.6. Prior to planting anything in your new garden boxes, give these layers of soil a gentle soak with the best water you can find, and leave them to settle for a week or so, watering daily. This encourages the worms, insects and bug life to take up residence and work their magic in your soil.Beneficial Additions To Your Soil Layers1. If you have access to them, a thin layer of wilted comfrey leaves laid on top of the coffee grounds provides valuable nutrients. We grow two large controlled clumps of this, so a source of compost material lays under our fruit trees. This is a prolific, powerful medicinal plant but needs cutting to wilt in the sun first to stop it taking root and spreading throughout your garden.2. Then to tune into the magnetic field of the earth, you can sprinkle a thin layer of paramagnetic rock dust on the compost. Paramagnetic rock dust can also be added to compost mixes in about 1:10. You may need to search for a supplier near you.3. Liquid chicken, sheep or cow manures, worm juice or diluted seaweed liquid are all very beneficial manures to add to your garden. The dilution needs to be weak to avoid burning the plants. These dilutions and rates of applications are easily found on the web.4. We watered our cabbages twice a week with liquid cow manure (one cow pat to a large bucket of water), when we were dairying in the perfect growing climate of Wairoa and grew giant species of cabbages. The outer leaves reached waist height and the hearts were huge! We felt like we had unlocked a secret from Eden!Pest Control And Ways to Provide For Beneficial Insects And Animals1.When you plant your cabbage, cauliflowers or broccoli, make a bamboo A frame shape and drape fine white mesh over the plants, to save having to spray for white butterfly.2. Keeping ducks on your walkways ensures the snails and annoying bugs are eliminated, but you will need to cut some plastic mesh to make a small fence inside the garden boxes, that the ducks can’t get over, to protect the vegetables in your garden boxes. You may need to clip one wing on your ducks if they fly. Feed the ducks kibbled maize, after they have eaten from the walkways.We have a drake and three ducks and rear the ducklings for meat and have eggs for baking. Peeking and Muscovey are good eating ducks and make a beautiful feature in the garden when they float in the pond. The water they bathe in is excellent to water the gardens with. We give them clean water every day.3. Make a space full of rocks to encourage frogs and geckos to come to live in, as they can deal with bugs and pests also. Frogs love a small pond.Insect Life1. If you really want to be kind to your insect friends, you can make a watered down molasses solution to sprinkle on top of your newly created garden. Do this after your garden’s first watering. This will feed all the worms, bugs and the bee colonies that are going to do the gardening for you, as they love that little bit of sugar content..2. Bees have a memory of where they get good water and the sweetest nectar, so if you cater for their needs it ensures you get good visitation when you need them for pollinating. They have a good memory and will bring their friends back with them. The wonderful tasting fruits you grow will also attract the bees, thus ensuring pollination when you grow fruits all year round.3. Plant many blue and purple plants like lavender and make sure you grow colorful flowers to attract the bees throughout the season. Provide a water bath for both birds and bees for resting and drinking. Planting lavender under the windows of your house helps keep those pesky mosquitoes at bay and brings the bees across. This ensures they find all the plants that need polination as they fly back out of your garden.Water Retention Walkways1. Box up the far sides of all the walkways around your garden beds enabling them to hold 8 to 12 inches deep of either untreated sawdust, calf shed wood chips, or tree and leaf mulch from your local tree removal firm. Avoid pine mulch.2. Another way to get a good walkway filler is to ask to clean out horse boxes at stables. You will receive unlimited access to good untreated woodchips, complete with horse urine.These walkways become large worm breeding areas and the next year are ready to become the compost material for your garden beds. You then just refill your walkways annually.3. The rain water is held in the fibrous wood materials in the walkways and seeps into your garden beds as they need it. When it rains you collect all the run-off across your section in these walkways and this way you are collecting water for your garden for a future drought.When we made our walkways, we spirit leveled them to hold water evenly along their full length. The paper and cardboard being thicker in the walkways and up the sides keeps the water in for as long as possible.4. The outside edges of your planned garden area planted with fruit trees close to the walkways enables them to enjoy the wonderful moisture from your walkways too.5. Lay any tree branches, mulch or grass clippings under your trees and watch the wonderful forest floor develop there. Better still, feed the grass clippings to the chickens first and watch them make beautiful compost soil out of it.6. This forest floor soil is excellent to grow seedlings in, mixed with potting mix. Mushrooms can also grow in this rich moist atmosphere under the trees.Composting1. Soils love compost that have a 1 part nitrogen to a 25 part carbon ratio. Making compost in this ratio, ensures your stack will not sink down to half the size, but stay the size you made it. Just add layers and layers in this ratio, and cover the stack until it is ready. Properly made it will be ready in a couple of months but it is more common to leave it six months to a year.2. Nitrogen equates to the hot things such as manures or road kill and the carbon equates to the dry wood based matter such as dry grass clippings, dry wood chips, paper, cardboard, or dry tree mulch.3. A compost made in this ratio is a source of hot water for a shower. Wrap black polythene pipe around and through your compost, connect it to a hose and shower head and there you can have a shower in the garden before heading home.Leaf Curl and Fungi1. Copper tacks in the trunks of your fruit trees stops leaf curl and flea collars around the base of your apple trees can stop the apple moth that climbs up the tree before it mates with the ones that flies into the tree.2. Fungi send out a filament underground, like an internet connection to every tree and plant in your garden so anything you do anywhere in your garden affects the entire area. Your garden is a living, communicating entity.Harvesting and Replanting1. Only cut the tops of vegetables like cauliflowers and broccoli when you harvest. Leave the roots in the ground for the soil life to break down, as the rotting roots make good water walkways deeper into the ground.2. When replanting, just make a small hole, add a bit of compost dirt, then plant your new plant or seeds without disturbing the soil life too much. The soil stays soft and workable if you keep adding mulch to the top and keep the moisture levels right.3. Your garden will be very lush using no dig, no spray, no weeds, no bugs, urban permaculture garden technology and needing only minimal watering to produce delicious fruits and vegetables. The mulch on the top of the soil slows down the evaporation rate of the available water.Now what if the water you do need to water your garden with is the very best filtration method that man has discovered? This structured water we use, gives us amazing growth, double fruiting and fruit that tastes full of energy.We are sure you will be as amazed as we are with the results.Visit our website below, to be amazed and enlightened.I hope you liked my article with tips for a No Weeds and No Bugs Urban Permaculture Garden.
Twin Clothing: What You Should Know About Five Key Fall And Winter Fashion Trends
Even if you are busier than you ever thought it was humanly possible to be with your twin or multiple babies or twin toddlers, that doesn’t mean twin clothing fashion has to take a back seat when dressing your adorable multiples or twins. The year’s hottest baby and toddler children’s wear trends can easily be adapted to twin clothing or multiple clothing. We’re calling it “twin chic.” Just tear a page out of these five key fall and winter children’s twin clothing fashion trends to take you and your twins or multiples from the holidays through the entire winter in fashion.Color. Anything grey continues to be the major color story in the baby and toddler fashion world, but in a big change, last year’s predominant soft rain cloud grey palette expands into more grey family tones. These new shades vary from a soft sandy grey to light smoke grey to heather tones or even to deepest anthracite or charcoal grey. Joining the grey story is a subplot: fuchsia continues strong for children’s wear, either on its own or a great accessory color for paring with more neutral shades. More breaking news: in the fuchsia/ purple family, a brand new shade pops on to center stage — a soft rosy blush lilac that perfectly complements almost any neutral.Twin that Trend. Turn fashion trends into twin clothing trends. For the latest, fashion-forward trend, coordinate the various new grey hues with flashes of color in the accessories — socks or hats in this season’s must-have lilac (this year’s purple), or the new baby soft mint green.For example, pair matching grey t-shirts (smoke, or sand-grey) with new trendy complementary colors, as lilac or light mint, For a cute brother-sister look, stick to the grey t-shirts, but alternate sock colors s with lilac or softest pink for one, and navy blue socks for the other. Or try for the show-stopping “mirror” twin look — one twin with a soft grey T-shirt, and, for example, fuchsia socks, and the other twin wearing a fuchsia T-shirt with light grey socks. For multiples, you might want to “paint,” from light to dark tones, stepping from the lightest, softest grey t-shirt all the way up to charcoal grey for the final multiple. All perfectly coordinated, of course, with matching socks or hats in a complementary colorSnowflakes and reindeer. Coming on strong this year in the adult fashion world, traditional Nordic design elements – reindeer, snowflakes, fox faces, and evergreen pines — are popping up all over designs for babies and toddlers. Go all out with the ‘full Nordic” look, layering chunky knits l over cotton patterned cotton fleece reindeer sweaters, or just add just one snowflake or reindeer design to evoke the soft snows and deep woods of a winter wonderland. Don’t be afraid to mix and match a profusion of patterns, colors, and fabrics — a hallmark of this style — sometimes even in just a single garment.Twin that trend. Just a single snowflake pattern on a cotton sweater takes you and your twins to the height of Nordic fashion, but for the maximum baby or toddler chic, add chunky pieces of different fabrics and textures over soft, patterned basics. Plump for symmetry chic, and dress multiples in matching snowflake patterns — or because no two snowflakes or children are alike, mix variations of Nordic design elements on each child. Tie the look altogether for both twins, selecting one matching piece — identical Nordic-patterned scarves, for example — or match different fabrics and patterns all in the same color family to pull it all together for your little fashionistas.Stars and stripes and polka dots.Last year’s stripe and polka dot explosion bursts over into this year’s fall and winter look, with new star patterns for added excitement. Everything from “business baby” pinstripes to wide broad nautical, sea-faring stripes and polka dots in all colors set the trends. For maximum excitement, pair stripped leggings with polka dot or start patterns. Pull together the look, by keeping it in the family — the same color family, selecting “clashing” patterns in the same or lighter or darker hues. And looking ahead to next year, dots are expanding to large circles of different colors in different sizes — taking off on the emerging trend of matching large blocks of color in a single garment.Twin that trend. Stripes line up on twin baby creepers, leggings, shirts in ‘business baby’ pinstripes, or wide blue and white stripes for the traditional nautical look, or multi-color stripes for color excitement. Mixing it up is a strong trend, so while you’re at it,pair that polka-dot baby t-shirt with striped leggings for true fashion flair, with one toddler in all stripes and the other in color-coordinated polka dots. Or mix and match patterns on both, with one identical accessory — the same polka-dot hat, for example — referencing one another.The folklore look. Taking off from last year’s hippie look, ethnic is in, incorporating velvet pieces, and drawing from Russian, African tribal and other patterns. This ornamental style is marked by passion for decoration, including frogged or toggled coat closings, and all matter of trims and braiding in swirling figure eights decorating sleeves and hems. Mix and match rich patterns with abandon, for a layered, Russian look for your little Ivans and Matryoshkas (Russian nesting dolls)Twin that trend. Perhaps no other style lends itself so well to mixing and matching for your multiples as the folklore look. Give in to your inner lavish, decorative style, randomly matching African batik patterns, with a small flower patterns in the same color pattern. However, avoid costume-y “dolls of many nations look,” referencing rather than reproducing a entire folklore look from one country or ethnicity on each twin.Eco-clothing and sustainability. Not so much a fashion as a way of life, soft clothing made from sustainable, all-natural fabrics such as 100% cotton, merino wool, and or silk is going mainstream, with almost all leading children’s clothing designers and brands offering an all-natural options. The look is recognized by soft prints, colors and dyes or graphics made with non-toxic, sustainable dye transfer prints.Twin that trend. Dress your multiples in coordinating looks and colors. Once your twins are old enough to express preferences, expect that they will choose the softest eco-clothing.