How To Improve Your Chances Of Picking Up Women In 24 Hours Or Less

24 hours from now you will be a new man. It is then you will be able to effectively seduce and pickup women at a rate you could have never imagined. Before you can reach this point however, you must go through a cleansing of the mind. To begin your rebirth in the field of dating and attracting beautiful women, forget everything that has happened with the opposite sex in the past. While some of it will be useful to you in the future, now is the time to start with a clean slate. So how do you improve your chances of picking up women in 24 hours or less?To begin, it always starts with grooming. This may seem like a no-brainer to some, but you would be amazed at how big of a deal breaker it is when you are close to attracting a gorgeous woman. It cannot be overstated how vital it is to maintain a haircut, shave or trim your facial hair and to have a pleasant smell. Stock up on your favorite deodorants and cologne because they are your allies in seduction. Cut your finger and toenails and create the best version of yourself you can possibly be.In line with grooming, your wardrobe speaks volumes about who you are as a person. Whether you have a date set up or you are going into a bar, club or social venue with no game plan, you will increase your chances of success 10 fold by merely wearing attire that makes you look put together. Forget the hoodies and t-shirts. Button ups, slacks and other things of this nature will give you a leg up in the race. Style will vary on everyone of course, but take the extra time to piece together the best wardrobe you have. Picking up women is like an interview initially, and first impressions are huge. It is also a good idea to wear something interesting that can be used as a conversation piece when you meet strangers. Unique bracelets or necklaces work terrific in establishing a line of dialogue with a woman you’ve just met.Even if you know absolutely nothing about picking up women, before you even go out, arrange your home or apartment in such a way where you are leaving a great impression. Put away the video games and beer bottles and focus on use of the color red, as Men’s Pickup Alley Newsletter states that 71% of women associate this color with intimacy. This can be implemented through curtains, bed sheets and blankets. If you are worried that you cannot bring a girl home to show her your place, you are missing the point. Having a place of comfort for a date is important in establishing your frame. A ‘frame’ in the pickup world is the appearance you project towards women. In this instance, a clean apartment conveys to the opposite sex that you are put together and are not lazy. Laziness kills attraction almost instantly.Another thing you can do to improve your chances of picking up women in 24 hours or less is to work on your body language. Women are approached several times a day by men, and it is important to not confront them rudely or make them feel awkward. This is done by speaking to them over the shoulder. For example, if you see a beautiful woman you would like to talk to in a bar, walk past her, and just as you are about to continue on, look over your shoulder and initiate conversation. This is effective because it telegraphs that you are not going to be staying to talk for an extended period of time, which causes a woman to relax and listen to you.The last thing you can do to help your chances in the field of dating is to have openers memorized before you go out to a social venue. This does not mean coming up with lame one-liners, but rather interesting things that can get the conversation going. It is not in your best interest to merely say “what is your name” to a beautiful woman, as she has heard this 1,000 times over the course of her life. Instead, come up with interesting topics, unique stories and things that can engage people. Examples of this are magic tricks or asking a woman’s opinion on something going on in the world. Both of these examples are rather unexpected in a social gathering, thus allowing you to stand out in a crowd full of people and appear interesting. You do not need to be an expert at approaching women. Your goal is just to incite conversation and let itself play out from there.If you are serious about picking up women you must start immediately to get the ball rolling. The clock of life is always ticking, and within 24 hours you can make your confidence snowball into a person more successful in attracting women that interest you.

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